Saturday, April 30, 2022

What Your Friends Say About You


Your friends and self-esteem “Our friendships mirror ourselves.” You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. So, how helpful are your friends to self-growth?  Are they supportive, encouraging you to strive and achieve? Do they provide a sanctuary of love and warmth when the world becomes cold and bitter? Do you love them with all your heart and is that love reciprocated?Or, are your “friends” not really friends at all? Is there a tinge of jealousy when you succeed? In hard times are they unavailable, only to reappear once the crisis is past? Do they spend their time with you talking in negative ways about others? If your friendship experience is the former, then you are indeed blessed. If it is the latter, now is the time to take stock of the negativity that you are allowing into your life.  Release your relationships with negative, draining people. Choose friends wisely and your life will be filled with love. Today’s Affirmation: I choose my friends wisely, and I know and will continue knowing to have my guard up.

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One after another

 One word after another. That's how I wrote all these pages. One word after another. Even on the days when the ideas wouldn't come. ...